Explore the galleries of Everyday Unseen!

2022 Find the Gap

A gap has two sides. Gaps can be spaces between identities, aspirations, histories, or expectations. To cross a gap you must work through, build over, or learn to exist within it.

Find the Gap is about exploring how we interact with these rifts in our lives and beings. It is an active act of being in the present and examining the space in between us.

It is time we are given space to acknowledge, reach through, and expand ourselves. Let's find our gaps.

Visit the gallery here.

2020 Everyday Unboxed

This year, Everyday Unseen is moving online as Everyday Unboxed. 2020 has brought us all huge changes and challenges. Chief among them is the “new normal” of remote learning, working, and living. It can feel like we all inhabit “boxes”, our screens on zoom, our rooms, our houses. This year instead of dwelling on this separation, we ask artists to let us into their “box” and show off their thoughts, hopes, worries, inspirations and achievements.

Visit the gallery here.

2019Reclaiming Space was the theme this year. Artists explored this literally and figuratively in one our largest shows to date.

2019 Reclaiming Spaces

"Reclaiming Spaces" is about taking spaces from which you have been excluded or marginalized and making them your own again. It's acknowledging that you deserve to take up that space and that you belong there. For me, this has a lot to do with gender, sexuality, and my racial identity. The idea of reclaiming space can be both literal and figurative. In terms of gender, a really concrete example of reclaiming space for me is physically taking up space around men when they manspread or refusing to be the one to move out of the way when you're walking towards each other.


NiiModo, a pop up space in Wallingford, hosted the very first Everyday Unseen

Read a report on the gallery here.